Wednesday, 7 January 2015

2015, Creating a Blog and Inspiration

Beginning 2015 with a positive mind has worked well so far and things (including uni workload ha!) seem to be looking good. In attempts to keep this blog running well and consistently I thought I would compile and post a list of blogging ideas I've seen, liked or thought up and that I can return to for future inspiration!

1. Top five favourite beauty products, i.e. lipsticks, nail varnishes.

2. Reviews of books/films.

3. Bucket list.

4. Sale items/dupes/cheap products.

5. Recipes (healthy snacks?!).

6. List of favourite books.

7. Opinions on news articles/current events.

8. Goals for the week/year.

9. Nostalgic story

10. University assignments (?!)

11. Wish list.

12. Beauty routine.

13. Regrets/embarrassing story.

I am sure I will be changing and updating this list along the way, thank you for reading!

Emma x


  1. I like these ideas. I always enjoy reading recipes and seeing how well/bad they go!

    Jennifer Jayne xx

  2. Hi there!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award - check out my post to see what it's all about. Click Here.



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